A quick way to make a not-so bad sig.
I'll focus on three important think on sig:
1-The Render
to choose your render, if you're not used to sigmaking, try to choose something easy to use. Border can be easily removed, size should match the sig size. I'll start with a simple picture of peach. The Background is white and the border is a thick black line. something easy to detour.
After a lot of sig done through photoshop, i use commonly 3 sizes of sig 450px × 70px (small) 400px × 100px (Medium) 450px × 120px (Large) . People who starts sigmaking tend to use bigger size. It's up to you, bigger mean more room to fill but it's easier to place the render.

2-The Background
You have numerous choice for the background. Using a particular pic (like a landscape), reusing the render and via filtering you can distort it enough to turn it into a background. Or third choice, making one from scratch. I'll choose the custom way here to keep things simple:

Last part for a sig is the text. I usually end my sig with the text, because it's easier to choose a font and a size when everything else is placed. Of course with experience, you'll tend to manage all three at the same time. I'll go for a simple font, something handwritten.

Here we go. Nothing exeptionnal, but you have the basic idea. Next time i'll go with a particular article about the render.